Class Codes
Restriction Codes
A - Commercial Vehicle 1 - Corrective Lenses Required
B - Commercial Vehicle 2 - Prosthetic Device
C - Commercial Vehicle 3 - Mechanical Device
D - Auto 4 - Hearing Impaired
E - Motorcycle 5 - Attached Restrictions
F - Moped E - No Manual Transmission equipped (CDL Only)
G - Agricultural K - Intrastate Only
I - Identification L - Except Vehicles with Air Brakes
J - Student M - Except Class A Passenger Vehicles
K - Handicap ID N - Except Class A&B Passenger Vehicles
Endorsement Codes
O - No Tractor Trailer CMV
T - Double & Triple Trailer P - No Passengers in CMV Bus (CLP Only)
P - Passenger Q - Except Passenger Vehicles Capacity 16+
N - Tank Vehicle R - Bus Mechanics - No Passengers
M - Motorcycle T - Class Provisional Auto
F - Moped U - Class I Owner Only (was ID3)
S - School Bus V - Medical Variance
  X - No Cargo in CMV Tank Vehicle (CLP Only)
  Y - Violator Only
  Z - No Full Airbrake equipped


Event Type Codes
Event Responsibility Codes (MVC)
A - Accident
ACP - Alcohol Countermeasures (Health Dept.)
B - Billing CIS - Compulsory Insurance/ Accident Reporting
C - Conference COO - Certificate of Ownership
D - Fee Due CON - Conference Unit 
E - Reexamination Activity DIP - Driver Improvement Program
F - Fee Payment  DMV - Commission Chief Administrator
I - Initial Medical Request DRT - Driver Testing
J - Referral DVR - Driver
K - Referral with Interval Reporting FAR - Fatal Accident Review  
L - Limitation  FRJ - Financial Responsibility/Judgment 
M - Memo Entry ISS - Insurance Surcharge
N - Advisory Notice MFR - Medical Fitness Review
O - Suspension Order OAL - Office of Administrative Law Liaison
P - Program Activity PDP - Probationary Driver Program
R - Restoration RES - Restoration Authorization
S - Scheduled Suspension RSU - Reexamination Scheduling
V - Violation SEC - Security Responsibility
W - Warning Notice SUS - Suspension Authorization
Z - Point Credit UCJ - Unsatisfied Claims and Judgments
  UMS - Uninsured Motorist System


EVENT DATE The date that the violation, accident or event occurred
EVENT RESPONSIBILITY CODES Identifies the Court or Motor Vehicle Commission unit responsible for the events and/or actions taken
EVENT TYPE CODES Identifies the major kinds of events and/or actions taken
EVENT DESCRIPTION A complete description of the event and/or action
CMV "X" Violation committed in a commercial vehicle
HZM "X" Violation committed while carrying hazardous materials
FTL "X" Violation resulted in a fatality
PA "X" Pending Appeal
PTS Points assessed or credited if applicable
POSTING DATE Date Motor Vehicle Commission recorded the violation, accident or event
OUT OF STATE HISTORY Convictions/Suspensions